
Sefton's heritage at risk


On 7th November 2023, the Council’s Cabinet Member (Planning & Building Control) reported to Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Regeneration & Skills), on the Council’s performance within a range of Planning issues.

Conservation Areas at Risk

Harington Ward update from Cllr Joe Riley

These are absolutely critical times for ensuring the effectiveness of the Conservative vote and fighting any complacency. Also a time for registering as many postal votes as possible: a simple enough process, the earlier the better.

Big expansion in childcare about to start

Working parents in Sefton are being urged to register for 15 hours free childcare per week from April 2024.

This week, it was announced that applications for the first wave of the rollout of the largest ever expansion of free childcare for working parents will open on 2 January.

14,208 Sefton residents to get a pay rise

Local Conservatives have welcomed an increase to the National Living Wage for an estimated 14,208 people across Sefton.

The Conservative Government is delivering on its commitment to end low hourly pay for full-time workers on the Conservative-introduced National Living Wage (NLW).

Location Location - School places in Maghull

One has only to watch the popular television programme to realise that location of a house is an important factor for house buyers when deciding where to settle when moving house or obtaining a home for the first time.